Duration: 40 Hours in Total
Who is it for? The Level 4 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace is a qualification aimed at Supervisors and Managers with a direct responsibility for health and safety management. The qualification is intended for delegates already working in the capacity of supervisor or manager and those who are preparing to start work at this level. Delegates gaining this qualification will know that supervisors and managers have legal and moral obligations to ensure health and safety within a business and that this includes obligations to employees, contractors, visitors and suppliers. Its subject areas are regarded by the Health and Safety Executive as being important to developing safe working procedures in the workplace.
Course Objectives By the end of the course the delegates will be able to:
- Understand the duties and responsibilities of employers, employees and others in relation to health and safety at work
- Understand the process by which health and safety is managed in an organisation
- Understand the procedures for developing and implementing risk assessment
- Understand the procedures for developing and implementing safe systems of work
- Know how to review health and safety across the organisation
Topics Covered
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Safety Management System
- Risk Assessments
- Safe Systems of Work
- Reviewing Health and Safety
Part 1 Centre set and marked assessment of 2 sections. Learners are expected to undertake the following activities:
- Section 1 Undertake a risk assessment
- Section 2 Construct a safe system of work
This part of the assessment will be subject to external moderation by HABC after being initially marked by the Nominated Tutor. Part 1 must be sent to HABC at the same time as the examination paperwork is returned in order for the assessments to be processed. Guidance for completion of part 1 is contained in appendix 1 of this qualification specification. Suggested forms are contained in Appendix 3 and Appendix 4 of the qualification specification. Where the suggested forms are not used, Centres must still use the cover sheet found in Appendix 3.
Part 2 Examination consisting of 2 sections with a total duration of 2.5 hours.
- Section 1 contains 30 multiple-choice questions. Total marks available in this section are 30.
- Section 2 contains 6 longer written questions from which the learner answers 4 of their choice.
Total marks available in this section are 70. Marks from both sections will be added together to determine the delegate?s grade. Delegates will achieve a Pass at 60% overall, a Merit at 70% and a Distinction at 80%. Following the assessment, a list of results will be provided to the Centre Contacts stating whether delegates have passed or failed. Certificates for successful learners will be dispatched for distribution by the Centre Contacts.
Progression Progression and further learning routes include:
- Level 4/5 Occupational Health and Safety competency based qualifications (NVQs/Apprenticeships)